Keren Hayesod
Keren Hayesod


Keren Hayesod

Project overview

Keren Hayesod is a Jewish charitable organization that collects donations globally to support various projects and programs addressing the needs of holocaust survivors. In 2022, Keren Hayesod approached us with the following task: Create a campaign which will help us to increase donations in Germany. The financial resources collected would then go towards funding education, settlement work, and social services to secure respectable living conditions of holocaust survivors.


Most donations in Germany are directed towards acute disasters. Other, often long standing but less catastrophic causes are lacking the necessary support (and funds) through lack of attention. The extensive media coverage and frequent communication pusesh all other donation causes to the background - leaving them underfinanced.

The key is to create a personal connection


Numerous studies have shown, that the highest willingness to donate occurs after acute disasters for projects with some sort of personal connection between the donor and those in need, for instance children’s soccer clubs, personal illness stories, or just even regional proximity. The strategic insight we used as a foundation for our work was to create a personal connection to those in need and hence foster identification with the cause. Using AI, we identified various topics which resonated with the target audience and subsequently developed a campaign to bring the narratives of need closer to each potential donor.


↗ Strategy
↗ AI-Ideation
↗ AI-Content Creation
↗ A/B Testing & Adaption
↗ Implementation

Flor de Sal Branding Packaging design

AI assisted Workflows

In order to create a campaign in a very narrow budgetary and temporal frame, we enhanced our regular workflow by a chain of AI tools to assist in creating individual campaign elements: from strategy, ideation, creation over to production, implementation and realtime data analysis. Copies and visuals were created using several AI tools in order to save time and - more importantly - to conserve critical donation funds. With the help of the tools we were able to create and test variations of our campaign before starting nationwide ad campaigns. We were able to find out which motives (men vs women, dark vs bright backgrounds, happy vs sad expressions) would yield more interaction and, hence more potential donor traffic - and conclusively, an increase on financial aids.


The kick-off campaign achieved a Click-Through-Rate way above the industry benchmark, and the landing page received more than double the visits of Keren Hayesod’s average visitor count.

Increase in CTR**Compared to the current benchmark for nonprofits
€ savings through use of AI-tools
Time savings through use of AI-tools

Words from the client