Flor de Sal
Flor de Sal


Flor de Sal
Food & Beverage
Packaging, Branding
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Project overview

Based in Mallorca and operating within a nature reserve, Flor de Sal is synonymous with quality and exclusivity. The company is known for its hand-harvested salt products that are highly valued in gastronomy as well as by consumers. In 2020, the company approached Peng with the request to update the design of their entire product line 


The challenge was to preserve the tradition-filled heritage of Flor de Sal, while creating a modern and appealing design that reflects the natural uniqueness and quality of their products. Operating from such a unique location in a nature reserve adds an element of environmental consciousness and sustainability to their brand. We aimed to encapsulate that in our redesign.

Preserving the legacy of a rich heritage


This mere design task organically evolved into a transformation of the entire brand’s identity. Our approach was to retain the brand’s original visual essence while simplifying the complexity and unifying disparate elements. This naturally led to a complete overhaul of the corporate design. Central to this transformation was the development of a user-friendly layout mechanic, anchored around the „beams“ of the logo. This design principle facilitated the creation of a cohesive visual identity that permeated both the brand and its products. The design provides a consistent and recognizable aesthetic, enhancing the Flor de Sal brand across various platforms, including product packaging, architectural design, and the introduction of new products. But we had to do more than just give them a new look; we also had to make sure all legal requirements were met. This intricate process involved working closely with specialists and Spanish linguists, ensuring that every detail adhered to both the brand’s essence and regulatory standards.


↗ Packaging Redesign
↗ Branding
↗ Product Development

Flor de Sal Branding Packaging design

Crafting Flor de Sal’s new Path in close Collaboration with the client.

In our sustained and close collaboration with Flor de Sal, we focused on a strategic brand refinement, guided by our newly developed branding concept. This process unfolded progressively, touching various areas of the business and enhancing Flor de Sal’s market presence. Furthermore, our involvement extended to the introduction and development of new products. This included special editions for the „Four Seasons“ hotel and the „Hope Mallorca“ initiative and complete lines of salted almonds and fruit bars. Each of these new products was designed to align with the refreshed branding, ensuring a consistent and engaging customer experience across all product lines.


Through this comprehensive brand and product redesign, Flor de Sal has not only updated its visual identity but also expanded its product range, thereby enhancing its appeal and relevance in the contemporary market. This transformation illustrates the power of thoughtful design in reinvigorating a brand and extending its market presence.

Package Redesigns
New product lines Developed

Words from the client